Thursday 17 October 2013


Chemical bonding. One of my passions. Ionic bonds, polar and non-polar covalent bonds, hydrogen bonds and metallic bonds. Every chemistry teacher I've had told me that covalent bonds are the strongest of all bonds. Stronger than ionic bonds and stronger than hydrogen bonds. But that's only if we think inside the box. As I've said in my first post, true excellence is reached through asking questions outside the box. So today, we'll be discussing two other types of bonds. The first type of bond is a government bond. A government bond is used to support government spending. Why is this bond strong? Well, the desire to make money is strong in all of us. I'd argue that people hold on to money much more tightly than compounds hold their electrons. Another bond I have heard to be very strong is the bond of friendship. Apparently, friendship can overcome anything and is very strong. This bond is known to endure very difficult situations. Someone even told me that their friendship lasted while things got heated. This is far more impressive than certain bonds that just break. From this research, I have deduced that all these bonds don't really matter because in the end, they're not part of an action movie. Not yet, anyway. Until I get to that project, it seems that James Bond will be the only Bond that matters.

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