Wednesday 16 October 2013

French Toast

Ah breakfast, the first of the three meals. Known as an essential meal. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, they told me. That's when I realized. I sat there and pondered, eating my cereal and looking carefully at my cheerios. I thought to myself, Cheerios are basically, cheery-o's. Why are the o's so cheery? They were whole grain, they couldn't possibly bring me cheer. Now onto the topic of jam. What does it mean by jam? What's being jammed? Do I call a mechanic to fix my jam? Are we jamming? I'm not much of a musician myself. Nothing makes sense in the most essential meal. But all this is nothing compared to French toast. This bothers me more than any of the other breakfast foods. French toast. What's French for toast? It's toast. Yeah, nothing is different. Why don't we call it English toast since it's basically the same thing? French toast is English toast. Toast is toast. Watch out, breakfast. I'm coming for you. And once I get there, you're toast.


  1. Woah man, you spend a lot of time looking at your breakfast; at least it shows that you pay attention to your food? Why not just enjoy what you have in the first place, though?

    but really this is an *interesting* perspective on your life and what's around you, and I'd like to see more later.

  2. I funny to see you made all that thinking on something that basic as the brand on a cereal and a game of words about it... it's funny, but maybe interesting? Probably, if you focus your thinkings in matters that are more important, they will get deep and you won't have the need to force it
